P. 12

코로나 판데믹 속 우리가

            나아가야 할 방향

                                                                                              26D15 신재연
                                                                                            26F03 김태희

                     The world of today is constantly changing, especially since the age of globalism

              has come. However, the world is facing the Covid-19 issue now. No one knows when
              the pandemic will end, nor even if the vaccine would work, but one thing is for sure.

              The world will never be the same as before the virus. We will see major transforma-
              tions in daily lives as well as the global community. In this report, I will focus about the

              international changes we will endure.

                     First, the world will turn to regionalization rather than globalization. The world
              already faced the worst situations possible because nowadays people can travel
              anywhere. It also means the virus can travel anywhere too, within people or hidden in

              the belongings of the people. Globalization has brought the world altogether, but also

              made the world too close that the corona could spread easily. As the government of
              each country saw how dangerous it could be to open their borders, nations will try
              to close their frontiers and do all the works in their territory. It is also expected that

              transnational institutions like the WTA; World Trade Organization or EU; European

              Union will collapse or shrink. The economic blocks are more dangerous than anything
              as of now, given the virus and the following economic attack.

                     In addition, governments and agencies that effectively managed the virus can
              enjoy a rise in public support, while those who do poorly may lose support and be

              kicked out. For example, the leadership of the Communist Party of China has come
              under severe criticism from ordinary citizens for not acting quickly in Wuhan and try-

              ing to cover up the misdeeds. Japan has demanded Prime Minister Shinzo Abe step
              down, accusing more than a million posts on Twitter of poor handling of the virus;

              now the new Prime Minister rules the country.

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