Page 13 - 영어B반
P. 13

One day, I saw the news on Instagram that blind people are denied access

                                                                                                      to restaurants or places outside because they are accompanied by guide dogs. I watched

                                                                                                      the card news and was more curious, so I watched a video on YouTube. At that time, I

                                                                                                      thought this video was the best way to express this problem, and I chose this video

                                                                                                      because it touched my heart that it was a really serious problem.

                                                                                                                    Article 40 of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities defines that

                                                                                                      when a disabled person with a dog tries to enter a place where several people go or

                                                                                                      gather, he or she should not be denied without justifiable reasons. However, it is

                                                                                                      becoming a problem that people who reject blind people without justifiable reasons. I
                                                                                                      planned this public service advertisement in the hope that this would become known to

                                                                                                      more people and that these problems would no longer occur.

                                                                                                                    Guide dogs are like eyes for blind people. Guide dogs see the world

                                                                                                      instead of the blind and guide them. To some people, dogs can be seen as just puppies,

                                                                                                      but to the blind, guide dogs are their eyes, so if you refuse them, it's like stealing the eyes

                                                                                                      of the blind. When I realized this problem, I thought that blind people and guide dogs are

                                                                                                      one. So I tried to synthesize a guide dog's eyes on a person's face to show the visually
                                                                                                      impaired that a guide dog takes over the eyes. I wanted to express the situation in which

                                                                                                      blind people are rejected. by putting in the phrase not to reject us. The poster also

                                                                                                      expresses the rejection of a person with a dog's eyes, which is intended to remind the

                                                                                                      blind of their current situation and raise awareness.

                                                                                                                                                                                 12 안명희
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